Association Of Antimicrobial Property Of Laser And Other Canal Disinfectants During Pulpectomy Of Primary Teeth- A Systematic Review

Lavanya Mangala Valli

Post graduate student, Department of Pediatric and preventive dentistry, Chettinad dental college and Research Institute, Chennai, India, postcode-603103;

Corresponding Author:

Daya Srinivasan

Professor and Head, Department of Pediatric and preventive dentistry, Chettinad dental college and Research Institute, Chennai, India, postcode-603103;

Corresponding Author:

Senthil Eagappan

Professor, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Chettinad Dental College and Research Institute, Chennai, India, 603103;

Corresponding Author:

R.A Sowmiyasree

Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Chettinad Dental College & Research Institute, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Kelambakkam, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu – 603 103, India

Abstract :

A systematic review was planned to compare the association of LASER and other canal disinfectants during pulpectomy of primary teeth. The literature search was done in electronic databases from 2009 to 2017 using keywords. Eleven thousand four hundred and forty-nine were identified after applying limits. Ten thousand four hundred and nine irrelevant articles were eliminated. Among the nine hundred and sixty-four articles obtained, nine hundred and fifty-one articles were eliminated reading the titles and abstracts. After assessing the full text 9 articles were eliminated. Randomized controlled trials Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) published in the English language on pulpectomy of primary molars, using LASER as one of the inter canal disinfectant were included. Four RCTs comparing LASER and other canal irrigants for the pulpectomy of the primary teeth were finally selected. Pulpectomy in primary teeth using LASER and other canal disinfectants shows equally effective antimicrobial property.

  • pulpectomy,
  • intracanal disinfectant,
  • LASER,
  • antimicrobial property

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