Department of conservative dentistry and endodontics, Chettinad dental college and research institute, Kanchipuram, India;
Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, Chettinad dental college and research institute, Kanchipuram, India, 603103
Corresponding Author:
Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, Chettinad dental college and research institute, Kanchipuram, India, 603103
Department of conservative dentistry and endodontics, Chettinad dental college and research institute, Kanchipuram, India;
Bur refers to all rotary cutting instruments that have bladed cutting heads. It includes instruments used to finish metal restorations and that used to surgically remove bone and instruments used to prepare tooth.
[1] Bur refers to all rotary cutting instruments that have bladed cutting heads. It includes instruments used to finish metal restorations and that used to surgically remove bone and instruments used to prepare tooth.
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[16]Sharma S, Shankar R, Srinivas K. An epidemiological study on the selection, usage and disposal of dental burs among the dental practioner’s. J Clin Diagnostic Res 2014; 8:250.