Application of Machine To Machine Communication for Smart Homes

Application of Machine To Machine Communication for Smart Homes

Melvin S. Reyes 1 , Krishnamohan B. H 2

Technoarete Transactions on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing Research . 2022 December; 2(3): 25-30. Published online December 2023

Abstract : The application of machine-to machine or M2M communication has increased in the modern era and this helps in the development of smart homes. This involves streamlining communication between human and machine that typically monitor the confidential objects within homes. Technology should be advanced with the implementation of network connection. The home networking system should be connected with a LAN network that helps in M2M communication. Wired and wireless connectivity are major categories in M2M communication. In this concern, wireless connection is formed in advantageous conditions that can be used in the home appliance and make a direct connection with the phone to get easy information. The information is received with a messaging system through internet connection that is mainly vital with usage of COAP and SIP protocol that potentially impact on communication. This type of communication in smart homes provides protection from fraudulent activity as this required sensor. Moreover, the IoT technology is also often used in this communication that forms a better chance in network connectivity.

Keyword : M2M communication, network, technology.