A Study on Resource Management Techniques in Cloud Computing

A Study on Resource Management Techniques in Cloud Computing

Urmila Shrawankar 1 , Froilyn S. Jamawadi 2

Technoarete Transactions on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing Research . 2022 December; 2(3): 13-18. Published online December 2023


Abstract : This study is based on the “resource management techniques” in cloud computing and this study has been filled with valid and authentic insights which have been collected to evaluate the subject matter. At the beginning of this study, the concept of cloud counting has been clarified and then its importance has been shown within a proper manner. By showcasing the concept of cloud computing, a generic awareness has been developed that to retain all types of crucial files, it is important to develop cloud storage within any sort of system. Also, there are several types of “resource management techniques” that have been depicted with the help of collecting crucial insights which are related with the help of gathering valid and authentic insights. Also, there are some important materials and methods and in this study, secondary data has been collected by following an inductive approach and also, qualitative research design has been chosen and implemented to bring betterment in the study. The resources have been collected from peer reviewed journals which consist of the information based on cloud computing, “resource management techniques” and cloud resource management. Also, several challenges of using resources management techniques within cloud computing with the help of crucial and effective insights have been depicted.

Keyword : Cloud computing, resource management, techniques.