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Comparative Analysis of Corporate Government Policies in Developing and Developed Countries

Comparative Analysis of Corporate Government Policies in Developing and Developed Countries

Lakhan Adbale 1 , Dr.Leela.M.H 2

TJAF. 2022 March; 2(2): 19-26. Published online 2022 March


Abstract: The main aim of the following study is the asses and compare the context of corporate governance policies between developed and developing countries and regarding this, a secondary qualitative data collection method has been used. An interpretivism research philosophy has been used for providing detailed insights associated with the comparison of corporate governance policies among developing and developed countries. Additionally, an exploratory research design has been used for exploring the research phenomenon and providing answers for meeting the research objectives. The findings of this study indicate that the context of “corporate governance” and associated norms and policies differs regarding cultural, social, economic and developmental aspects of different countries. The workplace ethics and etiquettes of developed countries and developing countries are different and these aspects have a direct influence on the development of “corporate governance policies” or CGP. The national GDP and economic capability of the country and the legal framework of the local government have a direct impact on business governance and associated practices and norms. Hence, it can be stated that the economic, social, cultural and business environment of a country influences the development of CGP in business organisations. Salary systems, business performance, corporate framework and associated aspects are other major factors that influence these differences.