Dr.Leela.M.H 1 , Ariful Hoque 2
TJAF. 2022 March; 2(2): 1-6. Published online 2022 March
Abstract: There is a detailed discussion about the factors that are related to the increasing rate of corruption and crimes in India and the way these
offences are affecting the public sectors of the country in this study. There is an insightful view of the reasons behind the evaluation of
corruption in the country and the different ways of the diversification of criminal offences affecting the economic development of the country.
Apart from that, discussion about the different factors of criminal offences that affect the social structure of the country such as corruption in
the political sectors are increasing, increasing crime rates changing the social environment of the countries and many other factors that
have been discussed in this study.
Criminal offences affect the democracy of the country and the common people are suffering from these offences, especially the people who
have a mediocrity income and the people who live under the poverty line in the country. However, some strategies and policies have been
discussed in this study that helps to decrease the corruption and crime rates in the country and helps to increase the economic growth that
helps to decrease the negative impact of these offences in the public sectors of the country. Apart from this, through the secondary qualitative
data collection method, all the authentic and relevant data have been evaluated throughout the study. All the necessary data has been taken
from authentic and reliable resources and through the thematic analysis process, all the gathered data have been analysed through different
themes to conduct a better understanding of the study and improve the outcomes of the study.
Keywords : Corruption rates, crime rates, economic development, economic growth, governmental rules, laws, organisational factor, private sector, and public sector