A Study on Digital Signatures with Privacy Factor

Omkar Pattnaik1 , Lopamudra Bisoyi 2 , Sasmita Pani 3, A.S.Srinivas 4, Priti Rai 5, Ashutosh Sahoo 6

TTACA. 2023 March; 2(1): 5-11. Published online 2023 March

Abstract :The safety, authenticity, and integrity of different electronic mechanisms, including e-government, online education, e-commerce, and electronic voting, are essential to their success. The transmitting of information within people and end viewers are very much essential now a days. To meet all these requirements, sensitive data should be digitally signed by the individual who sent it and absolutely confirmed by the person who is to receive it, as digital signature methods are essentially difficult cryptographic techniques which form the message in plain text format. The standard of functionality of these electronic services varies depending on various factors like key size, complexity of computation, privacy criteria, specific to the application variations, etc. In order to obtain the best outcomes, we have carefully reviewed the standard digital signature schemes in this paper.

Keyword : Authenticity, Digital Signature, Integrity, Public Key etc.

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