Technoarete Transactions on Earth and Planetary Science Research( TTEPSR) is a double-blinded peer-reviewed open-access International Journal published by Technoarete Publishing. This international journal aims at publishing huge quality research articles, reviews and papers related to various fields in earth and planetary science, atmospheric and hydrospheric science, space science and biogeo sciences. The journal would serve as an excellent platform for academicians, researchers and experts to share their knowledge and findings in various fields of earth and planetary science- Geology, Geophysics, Meteorology, Climatology, Oceanography, Petroleum Engineering, Geothermal energy, Geo instrumentation, Atmospheric Sciences, Mining Engineering, Blasting Engineering, Fertilizer Pollution Control, Volcanology, Toxicology, Environmental Pollution, Earthquake, Landslide, Remote sensing, Geographic Information System,Hydrosphere, Marine Biogeochemistry, Geomicrobiology, Paleontology, Geomorphology, Paleoenvironment, Quaternary Science, Terrestrial Microbiology, Seismology, Soil Process , Marine Geoscience, Tectonics, Structural Geology, Wastewater treatment, Water resources and engineering, traffic congestion, industrial waste, Urban Landfills, Geotechnics, Tectonics, Neotectonics.