The Similarities and Differences between Edge Computing and IOT

The Similarities and Differences between Edge Computing and IOT

Dr.M.Aruna Safali 1 , Melvin S. Reyes 2

Technoarete Transactions on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing Research . 2022 September; 2(3): 19-24. Published online September 2023

Abstract : This study is based on differences and similarities between edge computing and IoT. Edge computing and IoT application in technological application; both can form specific processing in data transmission. Distribution of information technology can make nearer sources of business computation. Edge computing and IoT are highly related to each other which create an innumerable advantage in the data transaction process. Sensor connectivity is the major work of Internet of things (IoT) technology that is attached with computation to form active specification of network connectivity and transformation of raw data into final data for reliable result. Both of the technological aspects can make data transmission at a standard rate, though there is better specification in the IoT technology. In addition, IoT operates with sensors, helps in the connectivity of multi purposes of networks and big data analytics without any obstacles, though there are less effective chances in the edge computing technology. Edge computing technology is only specific in mobile phone connectivity and in the operating system which may not handle big data analytics within a confidential formation that can be done with the help of IoT.

Keyword : Data, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, Sensor