Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Data Science and Analytics (TTADSA) is a double-blinded peer-reviewed open access International Journal published by Technoarete Publishing recent days has seen steep rise in the adoption of Data Science in various sectors such as business sector, social sciences, public sector and life sciences. Data Science as such is an emergent topic comprising of computing science, statistics and artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and big data manipulation, Data Analytics has emerged as an important technology in the areas of Finance, Biostatistics, Numerical Simulations Economics, Forensic Science, Geographic information system, Healthcare systems, Pharmaceuticals, Econometrics, Social Statistics, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery, Big Data Modeling and in understanding social behaviours. All the above topics pertaining to application areas of Data Analytics are covered under the scope of this journal. The journal serves as a platform for scientists, educationalists, research scholars, industry experts to share and exchange their knowledge in the areas of scientific data mining,data wrangling, data visualization, data capturing, data creation, data storage and retrieval, data analysis and retrieval, data analysis and optimization, crowdsourcing, scalable computing, real time decision making, intelligent data processing, social-graph analysis.
Technoarete Transactions on Advances in Data Science and Analytics (TTADSA) include but are not confined to the following topics