Technoarete Transactions on Recent Research in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (TTRRAMB) is a double-blinded peer-reviewed open access International Journal published by Technoarete Publishing. This international journal aims to serve as an excellent platform for Microbiologists, Biotechnologists, Medical experts, Academicians and Research Scholars to share their knowledge and research expertise in various domains of microbiology and biotechnology - bacteriology, cell physiology, clinical microbiology, Medical Microbiology, Microbial Biochemistry, Mycology, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Environmental Biotechnology, Genetics, Soil Microbial Studies, Animal Biotechnology, Artificial Enzymes, Metabolic Engineering, Molecular Biology, Vaccine Biotechnology, Toxicogenomic Bioactive Compounds, Bioremediation, Biodegradation, Fermentation, Microbiome, Food-borne pathogens, Synthetic Biology, Protein Engineering, Biocatalysis, Applied Genomics, Bioenergy, Metabolic Engineering, Food Biotechnology, Probiotics, Enzymology, Bacteriology, Endocrinology, Evolutionary Microbiology, Geomicrobiology, Infectious Diseases Virology, Microbial Dynamics, Microbial Genetics, Microbial Cell Factories, Microbial Toxins, Neurobiology, Parasitology, Neuroscience, Wastewater Treatment, Veterinary Microbiology, Soil Bioengineering, Protozoology.