Intelligent Resource Effect on Current Education System

Rashika Tiwari, Rachit Tiwari

TTAICTE. 2024 January; 3(1): 6-10. Published online 2024 January

Abstract : The system's advancements all transpired in step with time, giving kids the finest opportunity to learn at home. There were some obstacles in the way, but they were all overcome with great zeal to provide instruction at that crucial moment. All of these initiatives are beneficial in ensuring that every child has access to quality education. An innovative educational model can enhance the effect of education on individual life for economic benefits and better life quality with the help of digital technology. A multi stakeholders’ partnership will definitely help to achieve this goal globally. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a significant opportunity to modernize the entire system, with a greater emphasis on digital technology to maintain learning continuity, cross geographic divides, and disseminate the best practices now accessible. Rather than focusing on teaching children, the entire education system has to be knowledge-centric. Therefore, our next goal is to increase the knowledge of the generations to come rather than their level of education. Many instruments for skill development have been made available by the intelligent education system to help each person to reach their full potential. Every child's confidence will undoubtedly increase as a result of this. There are many opportunities in the world today, and with the help of our technologically advanced system, we can make all the data publicly available so that people may make better decisions for their own futures. Acquiring information is education's ultimate goal. Getting knowledge depends on several aspects, such as focus, resources, good mentorship, dedication and perseverance. All these factors directly or indirectly contribute to success of a person.

Keyword : Digital Technology, Partnership, Education System, Skill Development

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