Laillia Dhiah Indriani, Ayu Puji Handayani
Abstract : Capitalism is present in various aspects of human life, one of which is through the family. The family plays a large role in the legitimization of capitalism from generation to generation. This is done through children's education patterns. One of the traditions of family capitalism is the traditional Javanese family, which provides advice on child ownership and how to educate them. Unfortunately, this ownership of children then slowly leads to capitalist practices in the form of exploitation and investment. This research aims to reveal how investment practices with children and the education patterns carried out by parents to create children who meet "standards" operate in traditional Javanese families. It doesn't just stop there, this research will also look at how children struggle to abstract from the hegemony that occurs in the family. The concept that will be used to conduct this research is schizoanalysis, from Gills Deleuze and Felix Guattari. The results of this research show that family capitalism is still being passed down from the sandwich generation to their children. These ideas of family capitalism are passed down from generation to generation through the parenting and education of children. Generally, those who inherit this family capitalism come from the lower middle class, who live in the suburbs and have not experienced much social change and modernization. Children who feel dominated by the capitalist system then use their knowledge and courage to deterritorialize the system in their family.
Keyword : Capitalism, Javanese Traditional Family, Schizoanalysis.