Technoarete Transactions on smart education for special children(TTSESC), aims to address the important issues in educating infants children and younger adults with special needs challenges faced in providing accommodates education for special children’s, children with visual impairment, emotional impairment, physical impairment, mental retardation, speech disorders, learning disabilities autism, emotional disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are to be covered in the scope of the journal. Also, peer to peer interaction and social interaction for special children. Various rehabilitation-based education classes that could be inculcated into children with developmental delays, focusing on cognitive scholastic and physical skills are also to be covered in this journal. The Journal also particularly focuses on physical therapies, impairment of the motor skills and social development of special children. Journal in the articles from experimental studies, qualitative studies, diverse and descriptive educational and practice, case studies. The primary aim of the Technoarete Transactions on smart education for special children (TTSESC), is to provide quality education to special children and to promote professional standard of research in educating children with special needs.