The purpose of this data protection policy is to inform all users of Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research and this website about the type of personal data that is collected and processed by Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research and the company providing the hosting infrastructure for this website, as well as the purpose of said data processing.
Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research is taking data protection very seriously, and it is treating your personal data according to the legal requirements.
Please keep in mind that any data transmission over the Internet and any form of digital data processing can be affected by security flaws is software and hardware that are beyond the control of Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research .
A complete protection from unauthorized access by third parties can thus never be fully guaranteed.
Should you have any questions on this data protection and privacy policy, please contact us through one of the channels described in the impressum.
Personal data is any information related to a natural person or data subject that can be used to directly or indirectly identify the person.
This website collects personal data only to the extent necessary and in a way that is legally permissible (see below for more details).
This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file that is saved on the device with which you are accessing this website. Should you not want to be served a cookie when using this website, most common browsers can be configured to disallow the usage of cookies. This may affect the usability of this site (such as the ability to opt out of the data collection for analytics, see below).
The sharing buttons for sharing content on social media and other platforms displayed on this website. By design, the sharing buttons does not transmit any data to the social media platforms and other sharing services unless one of the sharing buttons is explicitly clicked.
Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research and the company hosting this website may collect, store, and process the following data of all users of Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research :
The data may be collected in server log files and for the purpose of analyzing how this website is being used (analytics) .
Unless stated otherwise below, the data is saved exclusively on the servers of the company providing the hosting infrastructure for this website and on computers controlled by Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research (for the purpose of archiving and backup) and can only be accessed through password protected accounts on these systems and is not shared with any third party service such as Google Analytics.
Unless stated otherwise below, the data collected in this way is used exclusively for statistical analysis and improvement of the website as well as to ensure its safe and lawful operation.
If the WP statistics plug-in is enabled, you have the option to opt-out of the data collection for analytics by performing the following steps: (1) Clear all cookies for this website in your browser. (2) Refresh the page. (3) Click/tap the button “opt out” in the banner at the bottom of the page.
Data entered into or resulting from the use of forms on this website and such sent to Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research via email may be processed in additional ways.
In particular, it may be stored and processed on information technological devices controlled by members of Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research as well as in password protected collaborative working and cloud computing platforms such as Jira, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Google Docs/Google Sheets.
For data relevant for the peer-review and publication process additional rules apply (see the next section for more details).
If the data entered in such forms is stored or processed for purposes other than those described in the last section, the form contains a more detailed description of the type and purpose of the data storage and processing.
You have to tick a tick box on such forms to express your explicit consent to such additional data storage and processing.
During the peer-review and publication process (which includes the handling of appeals) additional personal data is collected, stored, and processed by Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research , as well as the third-party service namely:
This data is permanently stored by Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research to ensure long-term accountability and justifiability of editorial decisions and to ensure a means of contacting the submitter or authors (e.g., in case of later corrections to published works).
Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research retains the right to process this data for the purpose of performing statistical analysis of the peer-review process, correlate this data with other publicly available information, and to publish such analysis and the underlying data in a suitably anonymized form.
Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research retains the right to process this data for the purpose of performing statistical analysis of the peer-review process, correlate this data with other publicly available information, and to publish such analysis and the underlying data in a suitably anonymized form.
For accepted works, Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research publishes the work itself (including all companioning material and meta-data) in accordance with the terms and conditions.
Data that is anyway publicly available on this website, may be shared by Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research in posts on social media platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
All data described above may be included in backups to ensure the continued availability of the services of Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research . Such backups are stored “off-site”, i.e., in a different physical location than the production system on servers or storage systems controlled by Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research or people working for Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research and access to which is suitably restricted with passwords. The data in backups is not processed and is stored in such a way that it can not even be directly accessed from the production systems.
Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research uses strong and individual passwords for all accounts and services that can be used to access personal data of its users. Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research uses individual email accounts for each third party service to ensure a fine grained access to personal data, restricted to only those members of Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research who actually need access.
In case of a data breach that reveals otherwise not publicly available personal data in our own data handling systems or any of the third party services Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research relies on, all identifiable users will be notified in due time after a suitable assessment of the situation.
As a user, you have the right to request information about which of your personal data is stored and processed by Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research and for what purpose. You can demand that personal data is corrected (in case it is incorrect) or deleted (to the extend this is compatible with the terms and conditions of Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research and applicable law).
Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research may change its data protection and privacy policy from time to time, at Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research sole discretion. Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research encourages its users to check this page for changes frequently. Your continued use of any service Technoarete Transactions on Climate Change and Disaster Management Research provides, including but not limited to this website, after any change in this data protection and privacy policy constitutes your acceptance of such change.