Pedagogical Principles in Learning and Its Impact on Enhancing Motivation of Students

Hayath T M 1 , Dr. Shashi Kant Gupta2

TTAICTE. 2022 October; 1(2): 19-24. Published online 2022 July

Abstract :Pedagogical principles are an important part of the learning and teaching process that is important for students to perform effective and efficient learning activities. The pedagogical principles are important for students to learn the curriculum more effectively and also help them to learn new skills conveniently. Implementing pedagogical principles in learning helps to motivate students towards their academic careers. There are different types of pedagogical principles that help to improve the overall learning process of students and help them to get success in their academic and professional life as well. Pedagogical principles enable students to think in different ways and act beyond the traditional method to get benefited in the academic field. Pedagogical principles are important to enhance productivity and creativity and increase critical thinking among students. This study aims to evaluate the pedagogical principles of learning and their impacts on enhancing motivation among students. This study also emphasises the importance of motivation among the students and also tries to determine different strategies to increase motivation among the students. Secondary qualitative research is followed here in this study to improve the authenticity of the study. Thematic analysis of the topic also gives a clear understanding and that helps to make decisions more relevant.

Keyword :Academic Field, Enhance, Learning, Motivation, Pedagogical Principle, Students.

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