Utilization of Social-Graph Analysis for Investigating Social Structures Through the Use of Networks and Graph Theory

Rudra Bhanu Satpathy 1 and J. Sunil Gavaskar 2

TTADSA 2022 February; 1(1): 16 – 19. Published online 2022 February


Abstract : Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a digital process that helps to represent the collaboration between the individuals of society. Graphical representation of individual data has helped to understand social structure. Along with that, this research study has selected a secondary data collection method to understand the actual structure of the society. This graphical representation has included several nodes and edges of society to understand the interaction between the communities. In the present time, different organizations have faced difficulties due to a lack of communication. Along with that, graphical theory and network diagrams have helped to understand the weak ties and strong ties of society. According to that, society got the chance to improve the structure and build effective collaboration.

Keyword :Social Network Analysis (SNA), nodes, edges, ties, interpersonal relationship

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