Technoarete Transactions on Intelligent Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (TTIDMKD) is a double-blinded, peer-reviewed open access International Journal published by Technoarete Publishing. With the exponential growth of data in today's digital world collected through the internet there is a definite need for mining useful information and discovering knowledge using Artificial Intelligence. The journal aims to promote and coordinate research development between academic experts, database manager, backend developer, knowledge engineers and to share their research findings in the broad area of data integration, data exchange, data architecture, data mining and warehousing, intelligent knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination and discovery techniques.
The journal invites original research articles in the sub discipline of basics of data mining-spatial data mining, graphing parallel, and Distributed Data Mining, Algorithms and Data-Preprocessing technique, Web mining Multimedia data mining, Data visualisation techniques, Data stream mining, Information security in data mining, Advancement of data Mining in the area of bioinformatics, Financial Modelling, Classification, Clustering, Educational data mining, Social network data mining Image analysis, Biometric are also recovered under the scope of this journal. Various knowledge Discovery and knowledge processing strategy such as knowledge representational Framework knowledge Discovery Framework, Data preprocessing and post processing strategies OLAP and Data mining, Expert system, Decision support system, Statistical Techniques, Data analysis Data protection KOD framework and process Online data mining and knowledge Discovery are also covered under the scope of this journal.