
The reviewing committee at TTIDMKD which is in charge of carefully evaluating and vetting manuscript submissions to the journal carries out their reviewing process on the basis of distinct predefined criteria. Some of these include -

  1. the wholesomeness of research undertaken,
  2. the thoroughness of the research carried out, and
  3. the precision of the research methodologies involved.

Subsequently, they offer crucial feedback on areas of the paper that need some fine-tuning, make suggestions on necessary amendments and edits that need to be made. They also offer the editor-in-chief their conclusive recommendation on whether the manuscript should be accepted for publication, edited by the author before it can be reviewed once and then be published, or be rejected. Although the final decision as to whether the manuscript can be rejected, accepted for publication, or needs to be edited, rests solely with the editor-in-chief at TTIDMKD, the recommendations of the reviewing committee play a major role in the editor-in-chief's decision. The aim of the reviewing committee is to -

  1. sustain the preservation of all the stringent standards for scientific research by ensuring that the peer-review process runs its due course,
  2. sustain the standards of quality and integrity of the research that TTIDMKD published by weeding out manuscripts that are assessed as inauthentic and of no consequence,
  3. Promoting manuscripts that contain pioneering research studies capable of elevating the field of Data Mining,
  4. see to the upholding of all pre-established ethical guidelines by identifying manuscripts containing plagiarized research, fraudulent findings, and make use of unethical research methodologies, and weeding them out,
  5. Preserving high standards of the TTIDMKD journal by ensuring that nothing but the highest quality of research in Data Mining research is published and offered to readers of the journal.