Dr.K.Balaji 1 , Sunil MP2
Abstract : The entire research has performed to analyse how data integration helps to discover the techniques considering data architecture, data mining, warehouse intelligent knowledge, data exchange. Data is one of the most significant assets for the modern day’s business companies as it provides the assistance to perform the overall business of a company with more strategic process while become more oriented with the consumers need. It helps to proceed with more convenient and effective decisions within business which helps to gain higher business advantage. The entire study have been followed inductive approach, qualitative types of design and secondary data collection process in order to make most effective results on the study topic. A multiple numbers of concepts associated with data integration, data architecture, data mining, warehouse intelligent knowledge, data exchange has discussed within the study. It helps to gain a higher grip over the topic and evaluate the overall study most efficiently. The entire advantages and process of data integration to adopt effective data architecture, data mining, warehouse intelligent knowledge, and data exchange have been analysed within the entire discussion. It will provide a superior insight about the topic which helps business organizations to adopt most suitable data analysis and decision making strategy in the competitive business sphere.
Keyword : Business, Data architecture, Data integration, Data mining