Necessity of Data Mining for Information Security

Dr. V. Gokula Krishnan 1 , Dr. Ajay B Gadicha 2

TTIDMKD. 2022 February; 2(1): 24-28. Published online 2022 February

Abstract : Data mining is the technology that has been used in wide areas some of that area like the analysis of data for giving the best possible products for the customer by the ecommerce companies. There are many other areas where the data mining techniques can be used in information security. This discussion has given an account of what are the necessity of using the data mining for the information security. It had been explained in four different sections namely introduction where a brief background about the research has been provided. Later on the methodology section which provides the information about the type od research that has been used for the research. After this a results section have been discussed here an in-depth analysis has been done on the research topic. The results section has aimed to provide a detailed rationale of the topic with the help of data and graphs. After this part a discussion part have been taken here a brief discussion have been provided regarding results part. Finally, this research study has been concluded with the help of the conclusion part where each of the useful findings of each section have been discussed.

Keyword : Data mining, Security, Technology

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