Taye Birhanu Taressa
Abstract :The fascinating phenomenological problem is that it would be an impressive challenge to exactly and comprehensively describe the day-to-day routines of lived experiences. Phenomenology is both a method and a Philosophy at the same time. Edmund Husserl’s notion of “dim awareness” seems plausible alternative to address the phenomenological issue. The follow up phenomenological problem that was revealed or exposed because of Husserl’s attempt to address the primary puzzle of phenomenology was taken as the foundation for both Heidegger and Ponty to begin their objection. However, that follow up phenomenological problem should not have been the startup of Heidegger and Ponty’s objection to his work. Instead, they would have used it as opportunity to look for viable alternatives. Though Husserl did not totally subscribe to the kind of perception that was associated with the British empiricists (Berkeley, Hume, and Locke), he takes some elements of it. The first idea that he took from that tradition of empiricists is that perception is very rudimentary and model or standard mental state. The second idea that he took from that tradition is the heart of perspectival. By merging these two ideas, Husserl tried to establish a kind of phenomenological intentionality that accepts perception as the model intentional mental state, instead of belief or judgment.
Keyword : Intentionality, Lived Experience, Mental State, Perspective, Phenomenology.