Evaluation of Higher Education Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Maricel A. Pascua-Ramos, Jo Carmelo C. Lucas, Alona L. Melad, Julieven M. Gerardo, Liliane France P. Malenab, Evangeline B. Lodivico

TTASSH. 2025 March ; 5(1): 1-7. Published online March 2025

Abstract : COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions across all countries to implement alternative methods of teaching—one of which is the online learning—so that education does not get interrupted. In fact, with the prolonged existence of the COVID-19 virus, online learning will continue to be in effect in most countries including the Philippines. It is within this perspective that the researchers have decided to conduct this study to evaluate the attitudes of teachers in the higher education toward online education. A quantitative approach was applied, with the use of a validated Test of e-Learning Related Attitudes (TeLRA) scale as part of the pen-and-paper survey questionnaire. Out of the 40 higher education teachers at Saint Ferdinand College, City of Ilagan, Isabela, 22 (55%) have positive attitudes toward online learning, while 18 (45%) have negative attitudes. This study further established a correlation between the teachers’ attitudes toward online learning and their demographic as well as online teaching profiles. The findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between the respondents’ attitudes toward online learning and their demographic profiles, such as gender and age, but found no correlation with their educational attainment, years of teaching in SFC, and their current designations. Likewise, this study found no significant correlation with the respondents’ attitudes toward online learning and their overall online teaching profiles which include familiarity with using computers, previous online teaching experience prior to pandemic, gadget/s used in online classes, internet connectivity and learning management system (LMS) used during online classes. In general, the results of this study are deemed relevant not just for higher education teachers but all for education stakeholders for further advancement in the continuous implementation of online education.

Keyword : Covid-19, higher education teachers, online learning, online teaching, TeLRA scale.

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