Exploring Gender Dynamics in Hinduism through Activism and Reform: A Systematic Review

Dr. Esha Chatterjee

TTASSH. 2024 December; 4(3): 1-7. Published online December 2024

Abstract :This paper looks into the multifaceted socio-historical fabric intertwining Hinduism, gender dynamics and contemporary activism in India. Using a diverse range of historical analysis, legislative reforms, feminist movements and present-day examples of Hindu women's activism, the study offers a thorough exploration of the complex interplay among religion, gender and societal transformation. It highlights the ingrained norms and ideologies that perpetuate gender inequality while simultaneously exploring avenues for thought-provoking and reshaping these norms within both religious and societal contexts. While Hinduism promotes feminine divinity, they also perpetuate the subordinate status of women within societal structures. The paper discusses important legal reforms such as the Hindu Widow Re-marriage Act which have contested conventional gender roles and patriarchal conventions. By underscoring the pivotal role of legal reforms and feminist activism, the paper highlights the evolving landscape of gender disparities within Hindu society. Furthermore, the study focusses on contemporary Hindu women's activism as a catalyst for societal change, citing notable incidents like the Sabarimala controversy and the emergence of organizations such as Durga Vahini. Through these illustrations, the paper elucidates the intricate dynamics of activism at the intersection of gender, caste and religion showcasing how these intersecting identities shape the trajectory of social movements in India.

Keyword :Activism, Gender, Hinduism, Patriarchy, Socio-Political changes

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