Exploring the Learning Action Cell Implementation and its Challenges in Public Elementary Schools

Beverly B. Sales

TTASSH. 2024 March; 4(1): 6-29. Published online March 2024

Abstract :The study explored the implementation of the Learning Action Cell (LAC) and its challenges in public elementary schools. Specifically, it answered the following questions: 1. What is the understanding of teachers on LAC? 2. What is the engagement of teachers in the implementation of LAC? 3. What are the challenges encountered in the implementation of LAC? 4. What are the strategies employed to address the challenges? and 5. What intervention plan can be proposed based on the findings of the study? An exploratory research design, incorporating qualitative and quantitative data gathering and analysis techniques, was employed. Forty- five (45), out of 51 respondents, participated in the quantitative part, while 25 teachers and school heads from five schools participated during focus group discussions (FGD’s) and interview for the qualitative part. Thematic analysis was used to identify teachers' understanding of LAC, its challenges, and for strategies employed. Mean was used to identify the teacher’s level of engagement on the School Learning Action Cell (SLAC). Major findings revealed that LAC served as an opportunity for teachers to reflect on teaching practices, engage in collaborative learning, and promote professional development. Teachers displayed high engagement in various LAC activities, group discussions and individual and group action planning. Challenges met in conducting LAC were conflicts in schedule conflicts, limited ICT knowledge of teachers, resource availability, and topic prioritization. The major conclusions indicated that despite challenges, integrating LAC with regular teaching responsibilities can foster collaborative learning and exemplify best practices in the educational workplace. The study underscores active teacher participation, accountability, and fostering collaboration as effective strategies for successful LAC implementation.

Keyword : School Learning Action Cell, Teachers’ Engagement, Teachers’ Collaboration, Teachers’ Understanding

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