Improving Student Achievement of the Mandarin Department of Surabaya State University Through Coaching and Mentoring Methods.

Muhammad Farhan Masrur 1 , Mintowati 2 , Galih Wibisono 3 , Urip Zaenal Fanani 4 , Sunarti 5

TTASSH. 2023 March; 3(1): 1-8. Published online March 2023

Abstract : The goal aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Coaching and Mentoring Methods can impact the performance of students in the Mandarin Department. With a good quality of education, is expected to be able to produce optimal achievements in students. From the results of the observations made, it was found that the low achievements produced by students of the Mandarin Department State University of Surabaya, both academic and non-academic. The low achievement of students is influenced by various aspects, both internal and external. The coaching and Mentoring method is one of the methods that can help optimize student achievement according to their respective interests and talents. In this study, the approach used was Class Action Research, this study also through several procedures, including planning, implementation, monitoring, reflection. This study focuses on students of the Mandarin Department who are members of Student Activity Groups that are based on their respective interests and talents. As long as the application of research is found, coaching and mentoring methods can increase student activity and creativity, so that the resulting academic and non-academic achievements have increased significantly compared to previous years.

Keyword : Achievement, Coaching, Improvement, Mandarin Student, Mentoring.

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