Ragging and Bullying- Analysis of Its Impact on Young Adolescent Girls

Ragging and Bullying- Analysis of Its Impact on Young Adolescent Girls

Alvin M. Mahawan 1 , Ansona Arboiz2

TTASSH . 2022 March; 2(1): 12-17. Published online 2022 March


Abstract : Ragging and bullying are serious problems and in maximum cases, children are primarily victims of this. This study is associated with exploring the characteristics of ragging and bullying and their impact on young adolescent girls. At different times in human lives, almost maximum people have experienced bullying. Ragging and bullying have become the result of aggressive behaviour among young children. In order to mitigate these activities, the government has framed a few anti-bullying legislations. This activity impacted the mental health of children which disturbed them in their growing process. All the reasons behind ragging and bullying have been discussed in the below section. The researcher has adopted a “secondary quantitative data-gathering technique” which proved suitable and effective in extracting the right information related to the topic. Thus, to collect the raw data the researcher used an excel sheet, and to evaluate the raw data the researcher used IBM SPSS software. Moreover, this research paper can help the readers to identify the actual reason behind this malicious activity and how to reduce it in a better and more effective way.

Keyword : Adolescent Girls, Aggressive Behavior, Disturbing Childhood, Education, Mental Health, Physical Health, Ragging And Bullying.

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